We provide individuals and companies looking to generate extra revenue with content developed for a specific audience, optimized for social media and ready to share. A partnership with AWM means that all of us - including you - are working together to succeed through an industry-leading revshare, efficient monetization and a dedicated team at your back.
We test thousands of ideas every month, which are boiled down to over 600 pieces of content that are published and shared with over three million Americans on social media.
6 Million Facebook Fans
70 Million Monthly Page Views
25 Million Unique Page Visits
700 Articles Written Every Month
We love forming partnerships with smart, forward-thinking companies and individuals. If any of the following apply to you, get in touch with us right away!
Social Media You have a following on social media, and want to get their attention.
Viral Messaging You have a message you want to go viral.
Job Seeking You are looking for a fun, rewarding career in online media.